Monday, June 23, 2014

It's heating up in Atlanta 6/23/14

Hey family and friends!
I feel like i just emailed ya'll yesterday! Hope everyone had a wonderful week! Our's was full of alot of hard work. And this heat doesn't make it any better. its amazing to see how the Lord helps us endure and gives us the strength and power to do his work everyday! I really wouldn't be able to do this without his spirit bearing me up. It pushes me forward everyday. I am constantly motivated by the love he has for me and shows me, and I act by the inspiration he gives me from his spirit every day. 
So this upcoming week is full of events. We get a new mission president, President Bennion, and from this point on there's just a wave of missionaries going home! I'm sad to see the Wolferts go. They are truly incredible and I have loved serving with them every second. I wish i had more time with them. its going to be hard to adjust and switch to a new president. But i know we'll love him and he'll be amazing. From what i've heard he sounds like it. Ha so this last weekend we had to contact president Wolfert to schedule an interview for one our investigators, Taz, and he txted us to see if we got everything arranged ok. We told him yes and thank you, and he replied with the best words i could hear from my mission president, just before he leaves! "Wonderful sisters! I'm happy its working out. Congratulations on an upcoming baptism. I'm so pleased with you!" ha we texted back thank you, and he texts us" :) " haha i'm gonna miss his humor. He's pretty cool guy. 
So yes, we have an upcoming baptism this week. Hopefully! We're keeping a prayer within our hearts. Taz is scheduled for this saturday, but she has an interview with the mission presidency this thursday. We had to arrange this because she admitted to us that she's gay. She hasn't been in a homosexual relationship since november and she's commited to live the law of chastity. But she told us she can't change over night, its going to be hard. So please pray for her. She really does want to be baptized, and she come such a long ways. so we're planning on the baptism, yet we're planning to push it back, just in case. If she gets baptized though, there is hope for everyone! and it shows that the church is for everyone! We're just putting a little color into the ward:) 
This week we've found alot of new investigators! We finally were able to schedule alot of followup lessons with people we tracted into. So im excited to see where the spirit will lead us with these people. There is just so much work to do! 
 Yesterday Our ward mission leader asked us during correlation, with each person we talked about, how we found them, and everyone of them was basically through tracting. So he gave a great talk on how he really wants to change that and have the finding effort be more through the members. That way the investigators will be more promising and they automatically have that fellowship. People will be more open to listening to us when they know a member of our church personally. so we;re going to try to enforce that more with the members this week and here on. Cause really we are all called to the work.. ha every member a missionary! and if we have desires to serve god, then we are called. The lord qualifies the called and he will help those who want to share the gospel. 
WE also had a great lesson this weekend with our investigator Pin. He's the one with no christianity background. This time, we sat and listened to his story and what he's been thinking. The guy is very smart and just by looking at nature and science he has come to know and believe there is a god and there is a truth. He's just still trying to find what is the truth. He is confused by the trinity though, one of his friends tried to explain it to him.. dang satan.. therefore he is confused about God and Christ. He believes in God but not Christ who is the son of God, who came here to earth to atone for us. ANd just listening to him, my heart just reached out to him. My heart was more of broken, because he is a son of god himself, yet he does not understand the love his brother Christ has for him. AT that moment i wished i could give all that i had, everything of me for him to know and believe fully in Jesus Christ. I think of how i was raised my whole life knowing of what my savior has done for me, and here is a man who knows nothing about him. He expressed though that he knows there is truth and he will be able to find it through feelings. I just kept nodding my head saying yes! And we keep testifying to him that the truth is right before him, He's searching in the right place.. God is just waiting for him to open his eyes and heart to the answer. So I'm praying that he'll recognize the answer. In order to do that, like he said, its through the feelings he has. And that comes by exercising our faith. He's struggling with this part. he reads, but he hasn't been praying and he hasn't come to church yet. But he's committed to now pray, and said someday he'll come to church. Having patience with all of this is hte hardest! Right now i am planting a HUGE seed. I can't wait for him to find the truth. I think of how much patience god is having with all of this, i don't know how he does it! But i know that he and his family will someday.. someday! go to the temple. 

Well.. I'm unfortunately ran out of time.. So much to say! I love you all, i hope you are enjoying your summer. Take care
Love sister hulme

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