Hey ya'll!
What seemed like the fastest week of my mission, was really one of the longest week as I look back and recall all that has happened! From meetings, exchanges, doctor's appt, and general conference, this new week will feel refreshing as we have more time on our hands to focus on the work. I realize that it is my last full week as a missionary, and I want nothing more than to make every second sacred, and enjoy more fully the spirit of the work. I was very grateful that we had general conference this past weekend, I have had many questions on my mind, and I know and love that our Father in Heaven still guides us today with prophets and apostles. There are many things I want to implement this last week, and pursue later after the mission.
Sadly, our investigator Sandy didn't watch general conference. She had some family issues come up, and she felt bad. We told her we would catch a conference talk we felt was for her nad watch it with her this next weekend. Satan tries everything to stop her from progressing! Things have been hard as she realizes that she has short time with us, but she has made some great friends in the ward, who are good at keeping contact with her.
We took our one investigator, Danay, off date because we haven't been able to meet with her this past week, she's been busy. Because she isn't progressing we had to take her off-date. I guess we have to discern how big her desire is to not only get baptized but to be truly committed.
We found some great new investigators! One being a family, from the easter video. After spring break we plan on meeting with them along with the father when he is home. Another, is a 60 year old retired cowboy! He hasn't gone to church in a few years, because he hasn't found one that meets his expectations. As we shared with him about the restoration and the first vision, he was listening intently.You could see the spirit enlightening him and testifying to him the truth of what we were saying. He commented himself right after that he would like to come to our service this next sunday. I told him he needs to because i'll be bearing my testimony, it being my last sunday, so he said he promised he would come. We're having high hopes and will work on getting him there!
Sadly, our investigator Sandy didn't watch general conference. She had some family issues come up, and she felt bad. We told her we would catch a conference talk we felt was for her nad watch it with her this next weekend. Satan tries everything to stop her from progressing! Things have been hard as she realizes that she has short time with us, but she has made some great friends in the ward, who are good at keeping contact with her.
We took our one investigator, Danay, off date because we haven't been able to meet with her this past week, she's been busy. Because she isn't progressing we had to take her off-date. I guess we have to discern how big her desire is to not only get baptized but to be truly committed.
We found some great new investigators! One being a family, from the easter video. After spring break we plan on meeting with them along with the father when he is home. Another, is a 60 year old retired cowboy! He hasn't gone to church in a few years, because he hasn't found one that meets his expectations. As we shared with him about the restoration and the first vision, he was listening intently.You could see the spirit enlightening him and testifying to him the truth of what we were saying. He commented himself right after that he would like to come to our service this next sunday. I told him he needs to because i'll be bearing my testimony, it being my last sunday, so he said he promised he would come. We're having high hopes and will work on getting him there!
This past week I've had sooo much on my mind. As I sat and pondered sunday easter morning, on the resurrection and atonement of Jesus Christ, I couldn't help but remember or think of a few months ago, back in November. It was after we finished a lesson with Michael Chandler, a man I'll never forget. Never in my life had I prayed so earnestly and fervently that night, before in my life. That night as I knelt by my bedside, I received the greatest witness of all, that my savior, Jesus Christ, Lives. That the spirit and this work of god is real. And this easter, as we all celebrated the resurrection of Jesus Christ, I want that witness or testimony rekindled inside of me, I want to feel that spirit so strongly again. My heart swells with joy when I look back on that night, and when I feel the love of my Savior with me now, today, and forever. I know jesus Christ lives. That witness is reaffirmed each time I feel within myself, or in others, the cleansing effect of his sacred sacrifice. And when I think of who he has made me to be, who I still can become, I give all that I have to the lord, on the altar of sacrifice, consecrating my heart, might, mind , and strength to Him and His work. And my heart swells with gratitude. Because only He can truly make us into who God needs us to become. This easter season, I am truly cherishing the spirit of the living Christ. I am singing gratitude for the gift from our Savior, Which is eternal life. I love sharing this joyous new and gift with others. I truly love helping others obtain that gift. And I love seeing the powers of the atonement take effect in their life, as well as mine. There are many others I want to help, but little time in Georgia to do so. There will be soon some other people for me to reach to in another land. My heart is also heavy thinking of how I must leave this, all that I have come to love so much. It's become purely sacred to me. This is no longer a great sacrifice, but has become the greatest opportunity that has shaped my life. God be thanked for calling me to his great work. This is the definitely the hardest thing I have ever loved to do.
I hope each of you take those missionary opportunities that are before you to share the gospel and to LIVE the gospel of Jesus Christ. Whether it be with our friends, or within our own families, start where you can. There is truly no greater joy.
I love and miss each of you! take care and god bless.
Love, Sister Hulme
Alma 26:12-15
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