So we had our district meeting and interviews with our president on Tuesday, but at 11:30 our president told us to go home asap because a bad snow storm was coming and here in Georgia, they don't know how to handle snow! So what do we do? we drive all the way to walmart to get smore supplies, and then head home! Oh my goodness, i'm glad he told us to go home at that time, it was coming down. and because of the humidity it automatically freezes. They of course don't have the equipment, or the tires for this weather either. As soon as we got home we searched and came up with an idea for a snowsled. We grabbed some tape and some cardboard and went to work. When we went outside people got the biggest kick out of our idea! They thought it was genius, others thought we were crazy and said to get inside, its dangerous to be outside. Please people, we're from idaho, its better for us to be outside! We were loving the snow! and I could tell that it made sister Sorenson's day so that made me happy also. Well our sled didn't last long so we went back inside and started up a blazing fire. We whipped out the smores and hot chocolate and played some uno.. SIster sorenson killed me. It was funny because all the members in our ward were texting us, seeing if we were ok and were safe and warm. Bless their hearts, but we replied that we were more than ok, we were in heaven! They thought we were crazy. We pulled out our mattresses again into the living room and had a slept out. SIster sorenson was just loving every second. It was good to have a little stress reliever for her, and i'm glad that she was happy. On Wednesday we still couldn't drive because every road was covered and jammed packed with people's vehicles, they just parked them or slid off the road and had to walk home! We heard so many crazy stories. The roads were really icy and they just don't know how to drive in it at all. And living at the top of a big hill didn't really help at all. It did for sledding though! We couldn't believe all the cars jammed on the roads. It looked like the end of the world and everyone was walking on foot. We Got out on Wednesday, just walking around. We packed food and water to give to people in need. Some were stuck in their cars over night and needed help walking home. We helped a family walk to their home and had to carry their groceries for about a mile. THe dad was wearing sandals! They were troopers though. It cracked me up because the thing everyone walked miles to the store for.. .was beer. We talked to a guy for a mile and he was carrying a 18 pack of beer the whole way to his friends house. He was kinda crazy but nice.
Our investigators are doing good though, they all survived the storm ok. But sadly, Lisa txted us this morning and she is going through some rough family issues and said she'll have to hold off for a while. It broke our hearts, but the Lord is preparing her. We are stil really hopeful in Lady and the Goncalez family, oh and magdeline, the lady from Kenya. It was hard to get out this week and see them but we met plenty of other people! Oh i almost forgot, we had exchanges this weekend. I went to Woodstock and i got to meet brother henderson again. He is an old man who is a recent convert and is such a cutie! He was writing some songs on a guitar and he played them for us. But he baptized one of the sisters investigators this saturday. Makes me so happy to hear that he's using his priesthood!!
Well thanks y'all for everything! i hope you have a wonderful week!
Love, Sister Hulme
Building my "sled" out of cardboard and packing tape.
Sister Sorenson and I
Ready to do some serious sledding.
I built a legit fire on which to roast s'mores.
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