I'm just really grateful its monday. This week was a long week, and sister George and i were ready for monday! Sometimes you really do need that day of rest to collect yourself and get ready for a new week.
We've been doing alot of tracting. Alot! and i will say that i admire those who do pest control or security systems after their mission, cause i don't know if i'll be able to knock on another door again when its over! don't get me wrong.. i love having the opportunity everyday to share a message of Christ, and invite others to come unto him. But i don't know if i'll ever grow to love tracting. We're trying to work through the members, but they just can't think of anybody for us to teach. We're praying for them to get out more and find more missionary opportunities.
We're trying to think of creative ways to contact and get new investigators. Saturday there was a fall festival and we contacted there for a few hours. I wish we had a booth of our own there! Haha, so when we were in the middle of contacting someone, this woman representing Mary Kay comes up to us and tells us to sign up for this drawing and hands us the paper. Well we did so thinking eh.. we won't get it. Well they called our number yesterday and asked for aLexis! haha i had won the drawing for a free facial!! i told them i wouldn't be able to do it cause i don't have time as a missionary. but it was a good laugh:)
So.. i do have a cool miracle to share:)
Last night, we had our dinner in Monroe, and we decided to just spend the day there to do work, to save us on miles. Well after dinner, we were driving to follow up with one of our former investigators who we haven't seen in awhile, but Sis. George felt prompted that we needed to swing by the Hernandez family's home. It was about 7:30 and it was dark, so we just kept a little prayer in our heart that they would let us in or at least talk to us. We haven't been able to talk to them since they dropped us, but the neighbors who are members still keep in contact with them and told us we needed to stop by. We said a prayer together before we went to the door, just trying to sum up the courage and thinking of what we need to say and do. We waited and waited at the door for awhile. We knew they were home, we could see lights on and hear them. Finally we decided to leave and when we were getting in the car, we saw Juan looking at us through the window. Now we just felt awkward! Well, Juan came down and answered the door, but you could tell that he was confused and didn't know who we were. So we ran back to the door and said "Hi its the sisters!" And he just stepped to the side and motioned for us to come in:) I got so excited and my heart was racing, yet i felt so much peace and relief because God answered our prayer! And it was soooo good to see them, we've missed them so much! We only visited for a half hour but we just asked them how they were doing and told them we wanted to say hi. Finds out, Juan's family convinced them we were forcing them to be baptized, and they thought they now couldn't come to church because they weren't members. We told them they are always welcome at our church, members or not, and its up to them if they come. So they promised us they would come next sunday, especially because its Sister George's last sunday here. They also had watched all of general conference at the neighbors home and they said they enjoyed it, especially because it was directed to nonmembers too! So it was a little miracle that we were able to visit them last night and it meant so much to us! It took courage on our part, but we're glad that communication is still open between us and we know they feel our love.
Thank you for keeping the Hernandez family in your prayers! they really need it. THat family means so much to me and i hope we can continue to visit them.
I love ya'll so much! take care and have a great week!
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